Learning a new language will allow you to communicate and also to understand diversity.
Here you will find some resources, links and songs that can help you diving into Spanish language!

Jul 3, 2015

¡Felices vacaciones!

¡Felices vacaciones a todos!

Happy vacations y'all!
The experience was awesome! You'll always be in my heart!

May 15, 2015

Mi Vida Loca

Mi Vida Loca is an immersive video mystery set in Spain to help you learn simple Spanish.

Mi Vida Loca takes you on an intrigue mystery adventure to Madrid and beyond in 22 episodes, ca 10 min each, covering basic learning points for Spanish beginners.
A learning section complements each episode. Go through the vocabulary and grammar in more detail and at your own pace, then complete activities for practice.


Get hooked. Learn the language!

Feb 25, 2015

¡Lanza la pelota! - Toss the ball!

Play with us by guessing the meaning of some Spanish words. Then, say a word... And toss the ball!!!